This section rules!
There's going to be a new rule added, to settle the confusion, and to allow something new for once. Here they are:
1) All content posted must be yours and yours ONLY! If broken, a punishment will be given depending on the material posted and the situation at hand. People helping out here and there is, of course, allowed, as long as the majority of the project belongs to you. There is an exception though: if it was a team project it is okay for all members to own credit and to be posted only if credit is given where credit is due.
2) Do NOT post harmful content! No viruses, malware, or spyware are allowed on this forum! If you are caught, be expecting a mute at the least. Depending on the infection and previous offenses, you may or may not be punished with a permanent ban from these forums.
3) Do NOT post scans for viruses and other malware. Firstly, when the topic creator posts his/her own scan, it shows that they're usually IS an infection in the download. Common sense there. Secondly, you should have your own scanner by now, and you could use that if you'd really like. But most importantly, virus scanners do not pick up harmful content in source code! Java is also a binary language when compiled, and the scanner will usually not pick anything up when it scans over the compiled output.
4) NEW RULE: NON-SERVER & NON-CLIENT DOWNLOADS ARE ALLOWED (e.g. tools)! This has never been allowed before, but hey, we decided to give it a go. The tool posted must follow all rules and have an appropriate connection to RS2 private servers. If rules start to get broken and content gets out of hand, this rule will be revoked, and no longer will we allow non-server/non-client material to be posted.
5) No Requests Rather straightforward - don't post a topic requesting a certain source download link to be given to you. Use your resources such as the search button to your advantage. Doing so will result in a warning or moderation.
6) No *.bat / list files PERIOD! There are stupid and a waste of time to bother with. Learn to program with a real language. If you're beatiful server includes one of these in the topic itself (if its included in the download its okay) then it'll be locked and you'll be punished. Forgot to mention, they only work on Windows, too. Also lists aren't really a download as it is usually a text file with some scribbles in it. The official Moparscape client already has a list. USE IT!
7) Don't post download lists! These are a waste of your time. If someone wants a source, they can use the search button.
Having topic titles involving "About to remove" , "Post or ill remove", or something similar will result in a lock and a warn/mute. Refer to this topic for complete details.
9) The "leeched" concept.
Quote from: Thug-life on June 19, 2008, 04:36:27 pm
I'll add this to the rules after i feel its been taken to by the members.
Well since you have all been ignoring or just not understanding it so i'll make it clear here. Whenever you post a server or a client with the source code included you agree to the fact other people can use it. If you don't want people "Leeching" your work then you do not release it, simple as.
Even still, most of you are using wL based servers and have no right in claiming that as your own, same with jagex's client. You however can credit yourself for whatever code you have added and if the code you have added is someone elses then you credit them either in the topic and in comments in the source code.
Quote from: Datzmark on June 18, 2008, 04:51:37 am
Just make them all credit winterlove and daiki...
I'll add, credit Jagex and if you have used anyone elses code they have released and you have added that code to the client or the server credit them too.
I'll give this a day or two for people to notice this sticky before i start full on enforcing the rules and handing out punishments to those who break it, there will be no exceptions, you can recieve anything from a warn to mute depending on what you post. If you do find someone releasing a server or a client with someone elses code who is not credited them please just ask them nicely to credit that person, if they do not after you asking them to then report that person and a member of staff will take it from there.
Just name the people you are crediting, don't bother making up random percentages unless you can provide the equations on how you get these percentages.
Quote from: Projext on June 20, 2008, 10:25:32 pm
So like instead of going
10% credit to you
and 90% credits to me!
Make like a list of all the people who helped and contributed into your productions and end results which are out for release
More Names
And don't forget anyone Wink
@Moderators, Admins etc: If i have missed anything or feel this needs to be changed, feel free to contact me on irc.
Plus, i don't need any 'Thanks good rule' type posts, don't post if you don't have anything constructive to say.
Forum global rules are still in effect in this section, so read up on those as well! I'll leave this open for now, to see your input. If things get out of hand, harsher rules will be set and this topic will be closed for discussion.